Brandon Wolfgang

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Knowledgable Software Platform Engineer with experience writing custom data integration code for a variety of client use cases as well as leveraging Agile, DevOps, and CI/CD deploying to large scale distributed enterprise platforms.

I also enjoy tinkering with technology, building websites, graphic design, photography, creating digital art, video editing, audio engineering, songwriting, and spending time outdoors.


  • Email/SMTP
  • IP Networking
  • DNS
  • Microservices
  • RESTful APIs
  • SaaS/PaaS/IaaS
Languages, Operating Systems & Tools
  • Perl
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Git
  • Linux
  • bash
  • MacOS
  • Go
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • XML
  • XSLT
  • Java
  • php
Platform Development & Administration
  • Jira
  • MySQL
  • LAMP
Data Management
  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • MongoDB
Containers & Cloud


Senior Software Engineer

April 2012 - August 2024

Email subject matter expert and data integration engineer.


  • Development of custom DataSource (data integration) code packages and scripts.
  • Management and maintenance of large scale enterprise level projects.
  • Email design and development (static and responsive).
  • Dynamic PDF design and development (handling submission of encrypted payment data).
  • Setup and maintenance of email link/open tracking campaigns.
  • Development of custom deployment and testing frameworks.
  • Development of custom tools to facilitate internal business efficiency.

Primary tools:

  • Perl
  • MySQL
  • JavaScript
  • XML


University of Central Florida

2013 - 2016
Bachelor of Applied Science
Software Development

  • Finished 2nd place at the 2012 Orlando HackerRank competition.
  • Certification in Computer Programming
  • Certification in Web Development
  • Graduated with High Honors

Valencia Community College

2010 - 2012
Associate of Science
Computer Programming & Analysis